Cellular Therapy

When all conventional methods of treatment have been exhausted and in the prevention or management therapies of ongoing challenging conditions, the patient may consider a minimally invasive therapy. European Wellness Retreat offer individualized therapies under physician prescription - Cellular Therapy, Biomolecular Immuno Therapy and Biomolecular Peptide Therapies.

Cellular Therapy

Treatment and cures for life threatening and debilitating diseases.

Biomolecular Immunotherapy

Biomolecular Peptide Therapies

Cells are the most basic and fundamental functional unit of an organism,
with some four trillion in the human body.

European Wellness Retreat in partnership with FCTI – Frontier Cytobiological Therapies International introduces Bio-Regenerative Cellular Therapy. FCTI a subsidiary of European Wellness Group, is the world’s largest provider of precursor stem cells and recently had introduced its innovative autologous precursor stem cell therapy using FCTI Proprietary procedure of primary cell tissue culture.

Many years of research and experiences have resulted in substantial improvements in health conditions of patients with various diseases where conventional treatments and therapies have failed. With its R&D laboratory in Germany, It is leading the way forward on the future of biomolecular research and development in regenerative therapies, offering a diverse array of cutting-edge technologies, for regenerative solutions against accelerated aging, chronic and debilitating diseases.

All Cellular Therapies are highly individualized/ patient specific. European Wellness Retreat does not offer products for sale. Stem Cell implantation are done at European Wellness clinics in Asia and Europe. Pre and Post Stem Cell Treatment maybe done at The Farm at San Benito, Batangas – a European Wellness Retreat facility or at our city affiliate clinic – Dr. J.Lopez .MD Group, Centuria Makati.

Precursor (Progenitor) Stem Cell Therapy

Precursor Stem Cell Therapy through xenotransplantation stimulates the patient’s malfunctioning damaged or injured cells with new cells harvested from premium rabbit fetus. Precursor (Progenitor) stem cells after organogenesis are committed to follow a predetermined path of differentiation along the specific direction. It divides through cell division and turns to a specialized cell of the tissue of origin. It is accomplished by direct stimulation into the recipient’s own malfunctioning cells. It also has the ability to replace damaged or injured cells in the human body that has been ravaged by injury or disease. Therapeutic use of stem cells has accumulated sufficient data to ensure its safety to mankind.

Autologous Stem Cell Therapy

Autologous or ‘Self’ Stem Cell Therapy gives greater choice to Doctors and patients who believe stem cell therapy may alleviate their symptoms, but remain concerned about safety issues or are unconvinced of the benefits of xenotransplantation

Autologous (self) Stem Cell Therapy sees the patient’s own blood drawn to extract stem cells that are reprocessed using highly advanced stem cell culturing techniques.

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy is a surgical therapeutic procedure where the implantation of stem cells from live tissue fragments of different tissues and organs is carried out as a therapy preferably in the earlier stages of the disease. Transplanted cells bring life back by replenishing or repairing the cells of damaged organs. It restores tissues and organs by stimulating the injured cells during the healing process. In other words, stem cell therapy is used when conventional treatments stop being effective.

Safe and Effective Results of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy has been used successfully for the past 80 years as treatment of many diseases where modern medicine cannot cure. The proof of effectiveness of stem cell therapy is in the medical references found on PUBMED and MEDLINE of US National library of medicine in the past 15 years. A few hundred thousand stem cell therapy summaries have been studied. The value of these publications became obvious when a great number of patients have been treated with promising results.